杭州伏达UI9702 磁环参数分选仪 UI9702
UI9702 磁环参数分选仪
UI9702 Magnetic Core Selector
◆ 测量磁导率μm,饱和磁感应强度BS,剩磁Br,矫顽力HC的相对值及综合因子
Measure relative value of μm, BS, Br, Hc & integrated factor
◆ 不需绕线,直接测试,方便
No need of wiring, direct testing, convenient
◆ 自动分选,超限报警;分选依据自由设定
Automatic selecting, out of limit alarming, freely setting of the selecting limit
◆ 内部采用程控高频电流源产生激励电流,测试激励电流0~2A,频率20~50kHz连续可调,符合电子镇流器实际工作状况
Imitate actual working situation of electronic ballast, test range of excitation current from internal program controlled
high frequency power source is 0~2A, test range of frequency is 20~50kHz adjustable continuously
◆ 不用调零,免除每天调零的烦恼
No need zero-calibration every day
◆ 数字显示,读数直观,操作简便,测试快捷
Digital display, easy to read, simple for operation and quick test
◆ 可打印B-H磁滞回线(另外,可以与电脑通讯。此功能另收费)
B-H curve printable (communication function is optional, but with charge)
UI9701 磁环参数分选仪
UI9701 Magnetic Core Selector
◆ 测量磁导率μm,饱和磁感应强度BS的相对值及综合因子
Measure relative value of μm, BS & integrated factor
◆ 测试激励电流
Test range of excitation current: 0~2A
UI9700 磁环参数分选仪
UI9700 Magnetic Core Selector
◆ 测量磁导率μm的相对值及综合因子
Measure relative value of μm & integrated factor
◆ 测试激励电流
Test range of excitation current:0~1A