杭州伏达UI9611 MOS管分选仪UI-9611
特点 Characteristics:
◆ 测量参数:开启电压,内阻,跨导,耐压
Measure parameters: threshold voltage UGS(th), internal resistance RDS, transconductance gm,withstand voltage V(BR)DS
◆ 测量范围 Test ranges: UGS(th): 0.1~9.9V, RDS: 0.001~9.999Ω, gm: 0.10~10.00S, V(BR)DS: 50~650V
◆ 测试电流:0.1~5A 连续程控可调 ,模拟不同工况
Test current range: 0.1~5A, continuously adjustable; imitating different working situation
◆ 可设定上下限,可分档,超限自动声光报警
Judging limits and grouping values freely set, alarming when measured value exceeds limit
◆ 在大电流下准确测量内阻的技术,处于国内领先
Techniques for test RDS under high current is among the most advanced in China
杭州伏达UI9611 MOS管分选仪UI-9611